Free Past Performances
All Horse Racing offers free past performances (PP's) for handicapping thoroughbred online horse betting and mobile racetrack wagering are a must. All Horse Racing makes reading past performances fast and easy. By consolidating the horse racing information you want we make it simple and quick for you to gather horse racing data and place better wagers.
How to read the All Horse Racing Past Performances
Trainer angles appear on this report if the trainer has an ROI of more than $2 and:
- 3 starts and a winning percent of 100% or
- 4-6 starts and a winning percent of at least 50% or
- 7-15 starts and a winning percent of at least 40% or
- 16-30 starts and a winning percent of at least 30% or
- 31 or more starts and a winning percent of at least 25%
ROI means Return on Investment. In this report ROI is measured based on a $2 payoff.
An ROI of $4.50 means that if you were to wager $2 on an a given trainer angle,
every single time the angle is in play, you would receive back $4.50 for every $2 bet.
To make this report, an ROI must exceed $2.00 for every $2.00 bet.
Each racetrack is listed alphabetically.
Each positive ROI angle is listed chronologically, from the first race to the last race,
dependent on winning angles being present in each race.
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